Modifying Other Shell Music

Avatar of Nighthawk


Category: Code
Level: Beginner
Created: Saturday December 1, 2007 - 17:08
Updated: Saturday May 5, 2012 - 18:13
Views: 5259
Summary: A tutorial on how to change the music played on various menus, the credits and the loadscreen.
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Credits Music:
This is somewhat similar to the previous step. Firstly, create your Passthrough entry for your music file:
        <AudioFileMP3Passthrough id="MODCreditsScreen" File="AUDIO:CnC80sMix.mp3" />
        <MP3MusicTrack id="NewCreditsMP3" inheritFrom="MP3MusicTrack:BaseMP3MusicTrack" Volume="60">        
            <VolumeSliderMultiplier Slider="NONE" Multiplier="1.0" />

The music file I am using here is 'C&C 80s Mix', part of the Covert Operations sound track.
Now, navigate back to your MiscAudio block, and locate the line "CreditsMusic=". Change the parameter to "NewCreditsMP3" (including quote marks).

Save your XML. I can't stress the importance of saving, it's one of life's essential processes, alongside the occasional shut down, reboot and Engineer Rush.

Links / Downloads

Command & Conquer (Renegade)2529December 1, 2007 - 17:20
On The Prowl (Tiberian Dawn)2116December 1, 2007 - 17:19
C&C 80s Mix (Covert Operations)2111December 1, 2007 - 17:18
Airstrike (Tiberian Dawn)2792December 1, 2007 - 17:18


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Boomerang Python - Friday January 30, 2009 - 9:48

Awesome stuff mate

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