IFV Turret Tutorial

Avatar of Nighthawk


Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Wednesday July 29, 2009 - 3:40
Updated: Wednesday July 29, 2009 - 4:23
Views: 4160
Summary: Expanding the variation in turrets used with the IFV.
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Next, go back to rulesmd.ini. You will see below the IFV weapons a list of codes relating to Turret indexes and weapons. We don't need to worry about the weapons, that's not part of this tutorial. The part we need to look at is the Index - this denotes the turret used when the IFV is in this mode. An index of 0 means the game will use fvtur.vxl, an index of 1 will load fvtur1.vxl etc. You should be careful though, TurretCount is 1-based, whereas the index is 0-based. A TurretCount of 13 will mean your highest numbered turret file should be fvtur12.
Now, I left myself a note in my rulesmd.ini file when I was originally coding this telling me what index to use for what weapon. Here's that list, you should use the same indexes:
; Turret no. - Weapons it should be assigned to
; 0 - Rockets
; 1 - GI Gun / Initiate gun
; 2 - Repair
; 3 - Flak gun
; 4 - Seal gun
; 5 - Sniper gun
; 6 - tesla gun
; 7 - detonator (ivan / terrorist)
; 8 - yuri blast / chaos / yuri prime
; 9 - rad cannon
; 10 - chrono cannon
; 11 - virus gun / cow cannon
; 12 - guardian gi

Now, the names of the tags aren't exactly inventive, so I'll explain what each of them mean:
Tag >> IFVMode >> Name >> What units by default use this mode

  • NormalTurretIndex >> IFVMode=0 >> Rocket IFV >> Unoccupied / Dogs / Undefined units
  • RepairTurretIndex >> IFVMode=1 >> Repair IFV >> Engineers
  • MachineGunTurretIndex >> IFVMode=2 >> Machine Gun IFV >> GIs / Conscripts
  • FlakTurretIndex >> IFVMode=3 >> Flak IFV >> Flak Troopers
  • PistolTurretIndex >> IFVMode=4 >> Machine Gun IFV >> SEALs / Tanya / Boris
  • SniperTurretIndex >> IFVMode=5 >> Sniper IFV >> Sniper
  • ShockTurretIndex >> IFVMode=6 >> Tesla IFV >> Tesla Troopers
  • ExplodeTurretIndex >> IFVMode=7 >> Crazy Ivan IFV >> Crazy Ivan
  • BrainBlastTurretIndex >> IFVMode=8 >> Yuri IFV >> Yuri Clones
  • RadCannonTurretIndex >> IFVMode=9 >> Desolator IFV >> Desolator
  • ChronoTurretIndex >> IFVMode=10 >> Chrono IFV >> Chrono Legionnaire
  • TerroristExplodeTurretIndex >> IFVMode=11 >> Terrorist IFV >> Terrorist
  • CowTurretIndex >> IFVMode=12 >> Cow IFV >> Cows / President Dugan (not used by normal units)
  • InitiateTurretIndex >> IFVMode=13 >> Initiate IFV >> Initiate
  • VirusTurretIndex >> IFVMode=14 >> Virus IFV >> Virus
  • YuriPrimeTurretIndex >> IFVMode=15 >> Yuri Prime IFV >> Yuri Prime
  • GuardianTurretIndex >> IFVMode=16 >> Guardian GI IFV >> Guardian GI
So, after you've acquainted yourself with the indexes, you need to edit them to match the new turrets. Refer to the list of new indexes I posted up above this one. The indexes should change as follows:
NormalTurretIndex=0;(stays the same)
RepairTurretIndex=2;(stays the same)
MachineGunTurretIndex=1;(stays the same)
CowTurretIndex=11;(This can be whatever you want)

Now, save and head over to artmd.ini. Blade thankfully provided a list of FLHs for his turrets in the readme. You need to change the WeaponXFLH tags to the new values, as below:

;(Weapon1 and Weapon2 FLHs are unchanged)
Weapon3FLH=100,0,120; GI -- gun turret
Weapon4FLH=55,0,255; Flak Trooper -- flak turret
Weapon5FLH=100,0,120; SEAL -- rapid gun turret
Weapon6FLH=105,0,150; Sniper -- sniper turret
Weapon7FLH=65,0,140 ; Shock Trooper -- tesla turret
Weapon8FLH=50,0,140; Crazy Ivan -- nuke turret (he just explodes, so the FLH isn't important)
Weapon9FLH=0,0,160; Yuri -- chaos turret
Weapon10FLH=64,48,180; Desolator -- rad-beam turret
Weapon11FLH=137,0,171; Chrono Legion -- railgun turret
Weapon12FLH=50,0,140 ; Terrorist -- nuke turret (he just explodes anyway)
Weapon13FLH=105,0,150; Cow -- virus turret (not used anyway)
Weapon14FLH=100,0,120; Initiate -- machine gun turret
Weapon15FLH=105,0,150; Virus -- virus turret
Weapon16FLH=0,0,160; Yuri Prime -- chaos turret
Weapon17FLH=64,48,222; Guardian GI -- high-tech missile turret

You should now have a fully functioning set of turrets now for your IFV. You can of course alter the Cow mode to make a new IFV mode, as you are unlikely to be getting either Cows or President Dugan in your IFV, unless you're playing a mod map. Cows are SizeLimit=2 by default anyway, and so wouldn't fit.

Credit goes to Blade and CannisRabidus for the IFV Turrets.

Links / Downloads

IFV Turret Pack (by Blade and CannisRabidus)2273July 29, 2009 - 4:23


IFV Turret PackBlade and CannisRabidus
IFV Turret PackBlade and CannisRabidus
IFV Turret PackBlade and CannisRabidus

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