
Mod for Generals Gen

Avatar of Mastermind


Category: Total Conversion
Created: Friday February 21, 2014 - 2:04
Updated: Friday February 21, 2014 - 2:12
Views: 9520
Summary: A realistic total conversion for CnC Generals.
  • Staff4.0
  • Members3.5
  • Average3.7/5.0

3 votes

- Two unique sides, with all new units, giving completely seperate and creative strategies

- Realistic damage applys to everything ingame. For an example: Infantry no longer require five tank shells to kill.

- Realistic rates of fire, turret rotation, vehicle:infantry:aircraft speed

- Realism creates new strategies: flanking, supply destruction, unit maintenance and many more......

- Tanks and aircraft, as in real life, are costly. This makes you concentrate on quality forces with the proper makeup, not quantity.

- Defcon levels. As the battle progesses, you move from DefCon 5 (only infantry) to DefCon 4, 3, 2, and 1, gaining new weapons at each level.

Links / Downloads

Download Defcon 1.02636February 21, 2014 - 2:10
Download Defcon Removal Utility2116February 21, 2014 - 2:09


MastermindMod leader, code leader, and 3-D art leader
The_Hunter2-D art leader, audio leader
AgileMod founder, and creator of most of the 3-D art resources
MithrilAI and scripting
MithrilAI and scripting
NatusBeta tester
NatusBeta tester
technobreakit2-D art, cameos
technobreakit2-D art, cameos
jakeydude666Nuclear shells cameo
jakeydude666Nuclear shells cameo
SJGConventional shells cameo
SJGConventional shells cameo
SleipnirStarlifter Model
SleipnirStarlifter Model
ChronomawStarlifter Recolor
ChronomawStarlifter Recolor


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