Random textures and models for your units
Tutorial for C&C3
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Are you tired of allways having you soldiers look the same like some kind of clone troopers?
Here is a simple way of giving you units a variety of different models and skins through a simple behavior and some condition states:
I will use the Zone Troopers (GDIZoneTrooper.xml) as an example.
First, you need a new Behavior:
Every "USER_X" stands for an own model/skin. You can have as much as you want, but keep in mind that "USER_5" is often used for Kane-Editon skins...
Now move to te modelconditionstates.
NOTE: Keep in mind that this in only an example, GUZnTrpr02.tga & GUZnTrpr03_SKN.w3d are NOT included in the game (but there are some nice Zone Trooper skins in the CC3_SampleArt)
As you can see, it quite simple. User_1 & _3 use different models, while _2 uses a reskin from _1.
"PARSE_DEFAULT" is only used to define the weapon bones.
Quite easy, isnt it?
NOTE: For vehicles and other units, you may want to have models for damaged and detroyed states:
(just look at the Predator conding if you have no idea how to use them) ^_^
ConditionsYes="DYING USER_X"
Here is an example how it could look ingame:
Here is a simple way of giving you units a variety of different models and skins through a simple behavior and some condition states:
I will use the Zone Troopers (GDIZoneTrooper.xml) as an example.
First, you need a new Behavior:
Code |
<RandomModelCondition |
Every "USER_X" stands for an own model/skin. You can have as much as you want, but keep in mind that "USER_5" is often used for Kane-Editon skins...
Now move to te modelconditionstates.
NOTE: Keep in mind that this in only an example, GUZnTrpr02.tga & GUZnTrpr03_SKN.w3d are NOT included in the game (but there are some nice Zone Trooper skins in the CC3_SampleArt)
Code |
<scriptedModelDraw |
As you can see, it quite simple. User_1 & _3 use different models, while _2 uses a reskin from _1.
"PARSE_DEFAULT" is only used to define the weapon bones.
Quite easy, isnt it?
NOTE: For vehicles and other units, you may want to have models for damaged and detroyed states:
(just look at the Predator conding if you have no idea how to use them) ^_^
ConditionsYes="DYING USER_X"
Here is an example how it could look ingame:
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Ingame Screenshot | 2158 | September 15, 2007 - 15:05 |
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Sûlherokhh - Thursday October 4, 2007 - 9:59
Apart from the fact that this is good, it's also my first glance at the HTML-Object-Code. Doesn't really seem that much different to INI-code. Only need to get used to the 'Begin/End' tags and probably a lot of indentation to make the job easier! :)
Thanks Chriz!
Boomerang Python - Saturday September 29, 2007 - 5:01
We'll so use this for Only War 2