Command & Conquer 3 demo

Download for Command & Conquer 3 C&C3

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Category: Other
Created: Sunday July 29, 2007 - 14:30
Updated: Saturday May 5, 2012 - 18:26
Views: 5250
Summary: The demo of the game that we've all come to love
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  • Members3.7
  • Average3.7/5.0

3 votes

The demo of CNC3, released little before the actual game.

Features the very beginning of the GDI campaign, as well as GDI itself in Skirmish mode on 2 maps.

NOD is playable in skirmish, despite being greyed out. When selecting your faction with the drop-down menu, hold down "N" and it will select NOD. This trick unfortunately does not work with Scrin.

Enjoy everyone!

Links / Downloads

Release announcement on CNCGuild.net2406July 29, 2007 - 14:31
Download2470July 29, 2007 - 14:31



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