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~ The C&C Guild Staff
0 Project Phantom 1.0 Released
Posted by Starkku on September 5, 2024 in Project Phantom News
As of today, after a very long wait, initial release of Project Phantom is out.
Download at: https://projectphantom.net/download
If you're looking to discuss the mod, leave feedback, report a bug or a crash or looking for players to play with, join the Project Phantom Discord Server as well.
- 3 playable factions with full-fledged arsenals.
- Western Coalition: A well-rounded army with access to reinforcements and upgrades. Special technologies: EMP, Non-Absorbing Shield Generators
- Eurasian Dominion: Focus on heavily armoured vehicles and large area weapons. Special technologies: Radiation, Chaos, Mind Control
- Phantom Imperative: Mobile units with light armour, high firepower and expensive prices. Special technologies: Teleportation, Stealth, Absorbing Personal Shields
- 3 experimental tech unlocks per faction, that player is locked in for rest of the match after making a choice allowing them access to an experimental unit and a complementary support power.
- Capturable tech buildings and mercenary faction buildings that unlock additional, themed units & structures.
- Over 200 skirmish & multiplayer maps.
- Three players (human or AI) vs. AI challenge maps.
- One cooperative mission.
What's Next
For a while the focus will likely be on fixing any bugs found, possible balance tweaks etc. There will eventually be content expansions replacing the placeholder buildings currently used, add additional maps like challenges and also the long-awaited singleplayer missions.
0 2024 Status Update
Posted by Starkku on April 11, 2024 in Project Phantom News
It has been a while since I've last posted a formal update for this mod. Regardless, work on this project has continued even during silence and keeps going relatively strong, and I do have few things to share.
Project Phantom website has been updated with a new layout. Many of the pages are still under construction, and I'll be sure to keep everyone updated when they go live.
For those who may have missed it, Project Phantom does have an official Discord server that can be used for discussing the modification, receiving updates regarding it first in the line and eventually it would hopefully serve as a multiplayer hub as well.
A while back I posted an article about various UI / UX improvements in Project Phantom, be sure to check it out if you already have not.
There's also a new showcase video, showing off some units & buildings in Project Phantom. It can also be viewed on ModDB.
As mentioned prior, development has been going on relatively strong, regardless of occassional pauses and challenges. With that in mind, I have the following announcement to make.
Early access version of Project Phantom will be released during Summer 2024
Exact release date will be made known closer to launch
So what will be in this first release?
Good question. Right now, we are looking at the following set of features.
- Three new factions - Western Coalition, Eurasian Dominion and Phantom Imperative, with complete arsenals full of new units, buildings and support powers (albeit many buildings will use graphics that can be deemed as 'placeholders').
- Three 'mercenary factions' - Fist of Titans, Crimson Crown and Excelsus Group, that have capturable buildings that provide various support powers and units to players who capture them, alongside the classic set of neutral tech buildings including capturable base defences.
- A large number of new map props and other miscellaneous buildings.
- Three reworked terrain tile theaters, Temperate, Tundra & Desert, with significantly expanded tilesets from the original game, including fully integrated urban tilesets and a basic interior tileset.
- Around 160 standard skirmish/multiplayer maps, some old and some new.
- Island Combat game mode, which is constrained to maps with water-locked islands.
- Scavengers game mode, where you start with a Mobile War Factory and are required to collect powerup crates for units and funds - your factory can reverse-engineer any vehicles found (including technology trucks for aerial vehicles) to unlock them as buyable units.
- One scenario for Hold the Line game mode, where up to 4 players (human or AI) are pitted against waves of AI-controlled enemies that scale based on number players in game, with objective to protect a critical structure from the said enemies.
A preview of Crimson Crisis scenario, where players are tasked protecting an Energy Research Lab against waves of Crimson Crown units.
- Challenges game mode, where 2 players (human or AI) are pitted against three AI-controlled enemies in specific scenarios that have unique modifiers in play and odds stacked against the players. Initially Challenges mode is going to come with three scenarios, one against each of the factions.
A preview of one of the Challenges, called Thunderhill Challenge where players are challenged by the nigh-impenetrable defenses of a W.A.R.D research base.
- A single Cooperative mission, testing the waters out, where two Coalition commanders are tasked with eliminating a Dominion mining outpost.
Preview of co-op mission Motherlode, where a small squad of Coalition forces is sent on an infiltration and elimination mission to a Dominion mining base.
- Various quality of life, bugfix and other engine improvements, courtesy of Ares Expansion DLL and Phobos Engine Extension.
- Full integration with the CnCNet client, allowing easy access to multiplayer games and easy download of mod updates.
- Bundled installation of two map editors, a version of the legacy FinalAlert 2 map editor as well as Rampastring's modern World Altering Editor.
- Installer software with compatibility with all releases of Yuri's Revenge.
I hope to have some more news to share about Project Phantom's development and the upcoming early access release in near future, but for now, I'm out.
0 C&C: Reloaded 2.5.1
Posted by FS-21 on December 27, 2023 in C&C:Reloaded News
C&C: Reloaded 2.5 released with focus in new single player missions and gameplay balance changes.
The most noticeable changes of this release are:
- Added a single player campaign for the Yuri faction. "Yuri Resurgence" contains 13 missions empowered with owr skirmish AI and new EVA voices for making the missions objectives more easy to understand (Special thanks to the original author Concolor1 for this great experience).
- Nod Centurion was replaced by the Avatar mech. 3 researchs will let the player the possibility to improve the new mech. Centurions will return in a future version.
- Silos game option mode is back! Last time it lasted few hours but now is the definitive return. Not only the refineries could work as slow strategic as in Tiberian Sun, Silos were added to all the factions, including the 3 RA2 factions:
- Updated Phobos library to the latest development snapshot with additional features.
- Updated CnC-Draw library to version 6.0.
- Added RA2 subtitles to brief & sidebar videos (English, Spanish & Russian).
- Updated Russian translation, specially the interface and the new Yuri campaign (special thanks to Green Eyesman).
- Now cannon weapons (usually fired by tanks) works like in Red Alert 1. This means that the units in movement will have less chance to be hit by a cannon projectile.
If somebody is interested to read the full changelog, please visit here:
0 Mental Omega Act III now in development!
Posted by Speeder on December 7, 2023 in Mental Omega APYR News
0 C&C: Reloaded 2.4.1
Posted by FS-21 on December 8, 2022 in C&C:Reloaded News
C&C: Reloaded 2.4.1 released with focus in AI improvements and gameplay balance changes.
The most noticeable changes of this release are:
- Updated Phobos library to the latest development snapshot with additional features.
- Updated Ares library to version 3.0p1.
- Updated CnC-Draw library to version
- Replaced the old AI system for selecting AI Teams in multiplayer. Now AI can't cheat prerequisites.
- Added 2 new single player maps. These 2 are Tiberian Sun demo missions.
- Enabled a placement preview of the structures.
- Soviets now can choose between Tesla Coil or the Tesla Tower, But once you build one type you won't be able to build the alternative until you sell all the Teslas. Similar to Tech Center/Tech Lab logic.
- Replaced the old GDI Orion ship. Now it uses the EMP cannon for forcing the submerged units to emerge and then attack with the cannon. Previously it was a support unit.
If somebody is interested to read the full changelog, please visit here:
0 Announcement about news posting.
Posted by predator_bg on September 5, 2022 in Contra News (eng)
As you may have noticed, there haven't been any news posts here for more than a year. Development has never stopped, we just stopped posting here.
So, follow us on ModDB and Discord instead for the latest stuff!
0 Mental Omega 3.3.6 is available for download!
Posted by Speeder on November 19, 2021 in Mental Omega APYR News
Yuri's Grand Kremlin Palace and the Black Guard
Yuri's Tower - The Mental Omega Device
0 Desert Combat - Contra Tournament
Posted by predator_bg on February 23, 2021 in Contra News (eng)
Greetings Generals
Following the growth of the Contra Mod community & the wonderfully balanced fun gameplay it offers, the very first tournament has opened for signups.
Date, Time and Location
Desert Combat will be on Sunday, 28th Feb beginning at 16:00 GMT. We will meet in the Contra Tournaments network on Radmin immediately after you check-in.
One map will be played per round.
- Tournament Desert / Map for Round 1
- Lagoon Day / Map for Round 2
- Barren Badlands / Map for Round 3
- Gorge Drought / Map for Finale
Desert Combat will be a SINGLE ELIMINATION. All rounds will be BO3 up to the Semi-Finals which are a Bo5. There is no 3rd place match.
Minimum participants: 8
Maximum participants: 16
All you need to do to register for this tournament is to post your in-game name & Discord name in the registration topic (also linked below). Only register if you're going to be able to show up on the day of. Registration officially closes on Saturday, 27th Feb at 20:00 GMT.
The check-in period will be between 15:00 and 16:00 GMT, at which point the brackets will be drafted and made official. There will be an official check-in thread that will open at 15:00. To check-in: simply post in the check-in thread and include your in-game name if it's different than your forum name. If you check in and you don't participate, you may be banned from any tournaments for 30 days. If you can't play, don't check-in. Only players that are registered will be allowed to check-in. Only checked in players will be in the bracket. If you have a situation that would cause you to not be able to check-in, but you can still participate then message Leikeze.
You will have 15 minutes to begin your games after the brackets are posted. Brackets will likely be posted by 16:05, but this depends on how late players check-in. You must start your games by 16:15 or you will be disqualified.
If you're early then you're on time. If you're on time then you're late. And if you're late you're disqualified!
There is simply no fun in sitting around waiting on people, so the 15 minutes is the maximum grace period allowed in between all rounds. Failure to appear at any stage of the event will result in a forfeit. Extreme circumstances can be discussed with event staff.
If you need to take a break in between games, inform your opponent and the Referee. At most, five minute breaks will be allowed and only if needed. Maximum one break per round. If a player is found to be abusing this freedom or failing to inform the necessary parties or not returning on time, you will be disqualified at Referee discretion.
All matches will be streamed. So do not start playing until you and your opponent have arranged with a streamer.
In case the streamer causes bad lag, you may choose to play without one, however, you must then send the replay after each match to a streamer so that they can stream the matches.
0 Contra 009 FINAL Patch 3 Hotfix
Posted by predator_bg on January 27, 2021 in Contra News (eng)
Welcome to another update! A small hotfix patch has just been released!
NOTE: This hotfix includes cosmetic and solo play changes only, so it is not required to keep playing online! You will not get a mismatch if some players have the hotfix, but others don't.
Contra Launcher will ask you to download and apply the hotfix, so you don't have to bother doing it manually.
There's not quite too much more to say or show, so here's a straight link to the changelog: https://www.moddb.co...angelog-part-23
6 C&C: Reloaded 1.5.0
Posted by FS-21 on June 4, 2020 in C&C:Reloaded News
C&C:Reloaded 1.5.0 released with latest CnCNet support and tons of changes.
The most noticeable changes of this release are:
- Rework of the Tiberian Sun terrain (new resize method).
- Rework of Tiberian Sun objects such as infantry, structures, etc (the same new resize method from above):
- Now the dominant game resource in single player campaigns will be respected: Ore & Gems in RA2/YR missions and Tiberium in TS missions. Ore resource is optional in multiplayer maps:
- New basic GDI ship: the amphibious Paladin
- Rework of the GDI fleet & gameplay balance:
- CnCNet Players Online indicator in the Main screen:
- 54 new multiplayer maps.
- Better TS vs RA2 damage balance.
- Lots of fixes & adjustments.
It can be downloaded in the downloads section
Or at ModDB:
If somebody is interested to read the full changelog, please visit here: