In 1995, the United Nations create the Global Defense Initiative, also
known as GDI, to counter an old, relatively unknown terrorist group called
"The Brotherhood of Nod". Nod is lead by a charismatic man that goes by
the name of Kane. The battle between GDI and Nod takes place during an
event the planet has never seen before. Earth was struck by a meteorite
that drains the soil of important minerals and substances. The valuable
minerals and substances are found inside of a crystal that rises to the
surface. However, the contents of these substance are highly toxic unless
the contents are extracted. The crystals are named "Tiberium". The first
Tiberium meteorite was found in Italy near the Tiber river, hence the
name. Kane saw the potential of Tiberium. He led the Brotherhood of Nod
to develop ways to extract Tiberium and harvest crystals. The techniques
used by the Brotherhood created billions in revenue to fund their terrorist
activities. This is where the GDI comes in. The GDI must play the same
game as Nod, to be able to win the battle. Tiberium has shifted the way
the economy operates in the western world. It is not much long after Tiberium
crystals begin to pop up all over the globe do both GDI and Nod start
harvesting them. That is where the conflict between the two powers begins.
Whomever controls the Tiberium, controls Earth. If one were to deny the
other of the tiberium, the war machine would stop, and defeat would come
soon after.