An all in-house affair now, as Comrade Jerkov interviews CNC Guild creators
and head gurus ArgCmdr and Des08tor about the history of the Guild. So
sit back and enjoy the grilling!
CJ: How long ago was it when you first came up with the idea for the
Des08tor: April 2002. It was Arg's idea to draw traffic to both of our
CJ: What sites were these?
Des08tor: RA2 Des08tor and YR:Argentina.
ArgCmdr: And RA2 Dimension after.
Des08tor: Yeah, when Black Eagle joined.
CJ: So, how long have you actually been in the community?
Des08tor: May 2001 was when I first joined. Arg was long before that.
ArgCmdr: Hm... I've been here as ArgCmdr since RA2 era, but i was present
since late RA1 on some or another place, basically making maps. I was
called TheTitan292 back then.
CJ: I see, so who would you say the founder of the Guild was out of
the two of you, or was it totally a joint thing?
Des08tor: Arg, because without him it wouldn't have happened. I was actually
shocked when he asked me.
ArgCmdr: Yeah, the first design, remember?
Des08tor: Yeah. I remember it was multicoloured, lol.
CJ: What was it you actually asked Des0 to do, Arg?
ArgCmdr: Well, the idea at the start was to make a site guide, to list
list all community/modding sites, with their descriptions. Ours were to
be at the top of the list, as they were the first to apply. It was actually
a propaganda ploy!
CJ: Lol, okay. So, where does Black Eagle fit in?
Des08tor: He came in to help out with the forums. He also got us our first
host. It was called Stamada, or something like that...
ArgCmdr: Starmada. Which crashed every what, 3 days?
CJ: well, it was a start point I suppose... and from here the three
of you started the .com website?
Des08tor: No, not just us. Poedguy was in it too.
ArgCmdr: Hm, actually, that was long before .com. The .com was in mid-July
of 2002.
CJ: Well, ok so what was it you created in the time before the .com?
Des08tor: That was because stamgd (our second host crashed) and Black
Eagle wasn't giving us ftp access. There wasn't much before .com, it was
just a guide to direct traffic. It wa nothing really.
ArgCmdr: yeah, and a board or two for our own projects (I still keep the
layout, lol)
CJ: And how did Poedguy get involved? what brought him in?
ArgCmdr: He was webby of RA2 Dimension, and he joined in on sight design
and SQL.
Des08tor: That, and we needed someone who knew PHP and mySQL. He dealt
with it for a time, until he taught me all i needed to know about SQL.
CJ: okay, so he was to manage what you two couldn't?
Des08tor: Basically, yeah. We didn't know anything about SQL, so he dealt
with it until he'd taught us how.
CJ: We've got up to the period before the .com and the four of you
were starting the thing up. what happened next?
Des08tor: Well after getting pissed off with starmada, Black Eagle moved
us to stardmg or something like that-
ArgCmdr: Which was almost the same thing...
Des08tor: His mate ran it, but wouldn't let us have FTP access. Anyway
the site crashed loads, and so I got cncguild.com
ArgCmdr: Only difference between Stardmg and Starmada was we got a couple
of days extra before the boards crashed, lol.
CJ: okay. Where'd the name come from also? I ask, because i expect
it fluttered a couple of minds it was similar to the RA2MG...
ArgCmdr: It came from a struggle actually. I cant recall who exactly wanted
what name, but we were between CNC GUIDE, and CNC GUILD. I remember me
and Poedguy being for GUIDE, and Black Eagle being for GUILD. We decided
to stick with Guild after Black Eagle went ahead and made the banner.
Des08tor: Guild sounded better, I thought lol.
CJ: Yeah, and also GUIDE woulda limited you...
Des08tor: Yeah, that's true. Guild was a good choice! Black Eagle took
the site design from a hosted site, though, but denied he did it...
ArgCmdr: i remember that. It was Xanatos', wasn't it?
CJ: Who redesigned it then?
Des08tor: it was redesigned when we moved to .net.
ArgCmdr: Redesigned by you and me, yeah. I recall that in the beginning
our layout supported 800* so someone must have played around ¬_¬
Des08tor: like tratos' site design for v2...
CJ: this might seem the most retarded question (I should know the answer),
but where did I come in? I remember it was to do with beta testing RA2DYR.
But I can't remember when, or why...
Des08tor: We decided we needed more staff. We were making extra sections
on the site and on the forum, and we needed extra help and numbers to
keep tabs on them.
ArgCmdr: (Terrible mistake! j/k) We still do need extra people, lol.
CJ: Nah, I think we have enough ppl. We just need to give em a kick
up the backside now and then...
ArgCmdr: I guess so.
CJ: Did everyone else as in Tratos, etc. come in the same way?
Des08tor: yeah. Hrod, CI and the others did. All except Dan and Tratos,
and I can't remember how Tratos came in. Dan was doing articles and interviews,
and Dan and I were also planning to make a Tiberian TC similar to TA,
so decided to add him to the team.
ArgCmdr: Dan actually made only one, to AircraftKiller.
Des08tor: Sadly, all his other requests got turned down.
CJ: Ok, big question now: How long do you reckon the Guild will last?
ArgCmdr: Hm, i plan to launch a CD to outer space so theres always a copy
floating around. Actually, as long as we can mantain it i feel that we
should try get more Generals public, regardless of whether we like the
game or not.
Des08tor: I'm planning to keep it running till end of 2005, then hand
it to someone else.
CJ: okay, and is there ever a plan to evolve the guild to other games
than CnC?
Des08tor: Not at first, but possibly in the future.
ArgCmdr: Well, in a way, we offered hosting for Non CNC Games before so
who knows?
CJ: Okay, anything else either of you'd like to add?
Des08tor: No, I think you've about covered it...
ArgCmdr: Yeah, you've dragged enough info outta us :P
CJ: Okay, well, thanks a lot both of you for your time.
ArgCmdr: No prob.