Is Defcon a mod for Generals, Zero Hour, or both?
Generals at the moment, depending on the response we get from the first few releases we may convert it to Zero Hour. But for now we have no plans to.
Defcon is a realistic modern warfare TC, can you give us a little backround information?
Well, it started out as a true to life conversion, but that was too limiting creativity wise, so we came up with fictional conflict with fictional sides. I think this move was for the best, as we've been able to incorporate all kinds of cool stuff.
How many, and what are the planned sides for this mod?
We have the Aerosians and the Ebres. Aerosia is all about air force, while Ebres concentrates on lethal armored divisions.
Will Defcon feature a campaign?
Nothing in the works right now, but we do have a storyline that we could build off in the future. Again, it depends on the response after release 1.
Will there be new superweapons?
You've got the standard nuke for each side, plus 2 types of air raids for Aerosia, and two types of vehicle drops for Ebres (including one where artillery strikes before the tanks are dropped off, allowing them to be free to attack whatever.)
Will Defcon have completely new structures?
Yup, your basic structures for each side, ala BlitzII. Its the most effective way to get it done.
What's the current staff of the mod?
We have me, modelling/skinning/rigging/everything 3-d graphics. Technobreakit is the 2d art guy, he makes those excellent cameos, and is working on faction logos. Mastermind does advanced coding, basically anything harder than adjusting weapon values. He's done some fine work with the Defcon system and all the superweapons. Couldn't have done it without their help.
In your opinion, what percent of the mod is completed?
I've been saying 80-90 for ages, but these last prerelease stages have been taking forever. We basically have to compile all the code together and balance.
Is there a beta planned in the future, or are we goign to have to wait till v1.0 is completed?
The released version will be a beta, but not some half-assed excuse for a mod which seems to have become a trend lately. Everything will be done, its only a beta because balancing needs to be done, and the best way to accomplish that is widespread distribution and feedback from players.
And lastly, do you have any exclusive screenshots you can show us?
From a recent game I played with a couple Brutal Armies: