When you say that word what's the first thing that would come to mind?
A gathering? A place? Somewhere to discuss something? I'd say your all
wrong. Your all so far off the mark that it makes my Archery Skills look
like I'm a prized piece of flesh that shouldn't be wasted. No, the community
that I speak off, it appears to have died and shimmers at just a piece
of it's former glory...
Today our communities are scattered, divided up into networks hosting
this project and that project. People class these "communities"
into quality and people, fairness and happiness, understanding and acceptance.
The great community sense and spirit that all community sites used to
share inside themselves seems to have disapated. C-Gen, The Guild, Derelict,
Origin & DeeZire. The major hosting networks all seems to have seperated
into it's "various cells".
The place where there's a tight-knit community focused on quality developments.
CNC Guild, The place where everyone
gets a chance and where the aim is to provide entertainment and fun for
the community.
Studios, The place where quality and experienced, veterans of modifying
games meet to produce works of great magnitude.
Network, The place where the community sense is at it's 'pinacle'.
A place where people meet, discuss matters, have projects hosted and can
learn from others on various things.
The place where people can post their thoughts, their ideas and their
views on modding. A community based around thoughts and experiments of
those ideas.
The community should focus around the place where people can gather, they
can post their ideas and thoughts, what intrigues them and what interests
them in modding. Yet our communites are more focuesed rather on what makes
them unique rather than coming together. I'm not saying that all networks
should be merged, certainly not. I believe though that we are more focused
on trying to make a network unique and make it better than all the rest
rather than simply making a place where people can meet together and discuss
issues and ideas regarding all areas of discussion.
We appear to be starting to forget our roots. I tend to hide on alot of
forums under alot of different usernames and passwords (my current tally
being 38 Usernames and 114 passwords) and I see one saddening issue. Too
many "oldbies" forgetting that once upon a time they were "green".
Dare I even say it DeeZire was green (if only for a nano-second) but he
was still GREEN! Yet he still never lost his sense of who he was. Run
off to Sleipnirs
Stuff and check the Info and Tutorials section under the Generals
section. He still helps the community in whatever way he can.
A community, is truely global when we recognise each person is a person
who has freedoms and understandings, when we respect that person and their
freedoms and understandings, and when we come together as a body of people,
united in a passion (in this case Command and Conquer) and stand as a
body of people.
"May the rays of light peirce the dark clouds and shine bright the
future it brings" ~Unknown